Series of 27 slides, 2022
you walk through cities, you will always pass construction sites.
Attached to construction fences, photorealistic visualizations provide a glimpse into the future design of these lots.
Architectural renderings feature detailed depictions of the residential
and office buildings under construction, as well as depictions of the
people living and working there. A closer look at these visualizations
inevitably gives an impression of a young, beautiful, wealthy and
strictly separated world according to two genders with clear divisions
of roles. In
this way, architectural renderings not only become a mirror for the
buildings currently being planned, but also inevitably provide
information about social norms and values. Do architectural offices not
only visualize buildings and districts, but also their ideal of social
coexistence? What gaps can be found in their imaginations?
All images shown here were taken in Jerusalem/Israel in summer 2022.

Exhibition view: Neue Galerie Graz (Photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum/N. Lackner)